Monday, October 30, 2017

The Spirit... and Spiders!

I'm very thankful for this week. It was super great and I'm really grateful for Heavenly Father. I can say that this is the closest I have been to the Lord in my life. Just as I feel that I have learned all I need to in order to become better, you guessed it, I learn more. As I look at myself before my mission or even at the start I know that I have come a long way. 

Fun Fact: I'm now gaining a desire to catch and hold spiders whenever I see them. (All the kids and my companions do it, so I'm just thinking its my time haha) 🕷🕸The only thing holding me back is not knowing which one will kill me and which one will not! haha I'm sure next week I'll send some pictures ;)

But this week was full of the spirit. On Wednesday we had zone interviews with our mission president, President Koster, and I'm so thankful for that. We were able to have a great conversation that was able to help me to become even more learned about the Lord and myself. As Elder Remulta and I relied on the Spirit, not on our own knowledge or on our own instincts, we were able to find a member that hasn't been able to attend church for years. We were the first missionaries in 30 years to talk to him! That just goes to show to me that Heavenly Father knows all of us individually and has a plan for each one of us, and in that plan, there is a divine design. Through the Spirit we were able to witness two other miracles as we asked inspired questions to our investiagators! We were able to find truly what their concern was and help get them closer to baptism.

In short, I know that we are all loved no matter who we are. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and you can come closer to Him by its precepts, than any other book on earth. I know the Spirit doesn't lie, and whatever we come to know through that special spirit is important revelation for us. The Church is True!!

Elder Cody Aguiar
Philippines Quezon City Mission

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