This week we had tons of opportunities to teach and find new people. One miracle this week happened when we were planning for the week ahead and felt we could add 2 more to our goal for bap dates. As we went forth with faith, God provided!! We were walking and passed this young couple that has a baby. We were pretty far away and I said "I think we should go back and talk to them", and we did! It turns out the brother is GOLDEN. He said that everything we were teaching just made sense and that he wants to learn everything we know! And right in our first lesson he accpeted a baptism date! :) Faith is truly a power that Heavenly Father works by! We saw many more miracles this past week, especially yesterday. We were working yesterday and my body was just totally dead but my spirit was just saying "keep going!". It was a great experience really, to recieve that spiritual power to keep going :) haha
Transfers are tommorow (that's why we have pday right now) and we are both staying here in Quirino to keep our work going :)
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