Monday, February 12, 2018

A Challenging Week

So this week was great and very very challenging honestly.  This whole week, every. single. appointment we had was either busy or not at their home. So we just talked to people we came across and that didn't even work. But it's a new week! And I probably wouldn't have gotten through this week if it wasn't for the Book of Mormon. I've been blessed this week with a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon. I can truly see it as Elder Renlund put it as my "anchor" or center of strength. I'm so grateful for that. There are some people that push aside the Book of Mormon and say it's worthless or not of God, But I LOVE the promise that is given to us. All we have to do is read it with a willing heart, real intent to know if it's true, ponder about it, and ask GOD if it's true. No one is forcing you to say it's true. All we have to do is go straight to our Father in Heaven, and if you do that you WILL get an answer. 

So with investigators this week I don't have to much to share. But just wait on it til next week, this email will be popping with investigators ;) 

This week we gave service to an elderly lady in our ward. We pruned this huge mango tree and cut all these vines out of it (like Tarzan) and other than being bit by tons of huge ants, the size of my thumb, we got it done haha. But lately I have been really itchy and the members think that I may have encountered a... I'll just explain it... It's a catepillar with long hair and the hair is really irritating to skin. So I have all these spots and itchy places so we will see again what our mission nurse says about it!!! haha but I'm not worried. I know the Lord will provide :) 

This week do your best to see the Book of Mormon not just as another set scriputre, but as your center of strength, as a place you can go to get revelation and spiritual strength from our Father in Heaven!
Elder Cody Aguiar
Philippines Quezon City Mission

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