This week I had the opportunity to bless our investigators daughter. She is only about 5 and is the happiest 5 year old I have EVER seen. I guess she had eaten some guava fruit and that lead to problems of some sort. As I blessed her, I felt love for her and her family, and I did so knowing I was using the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood that comes from God.
Also this week, I have been able to feel the comforting peace and love from my Father in Heaven. We will have many trials, temptations, problems and heartaches in this life. We can't get around that part of life. But I remember two talks. One from Elder Bednar (An Apostle of Jesus Christ), he said one of the trials of this life is not to "shrink" when we face trials, but instead to look outward at others. Another talk by Neil L. Andersen (An Apostle of Jesus Christ), his talk was on "Faith is not by chance but by choice". So it's just that.. Our faith doesn't just descend upon us, but we need to choose to have faith in Jesus Christ, and continue to strengthen it through study of the scriptures, obedience, keeping the commmandments and exercising it in trials.
As Elder Rasband told us in the last General Conference, those spiritual experiences we have felt in the past, hold onto them and not forget. So we can use them and rely upon the assurances we have felt in the past.
I know this Church to be true. I know that this work of the Lord, His Gospel will continue to reach every person on every continent. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is The Restored Church of Jesus Christ. I know that through the Book of Mormon, we can come closer to Christ than any other book. I know the Bible and the Book of Mormon both testify of Christ, because there is a Christ. And I know he Lives today.